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CIS University


CIS University (founded in 1981) is a modern, humanistic, American higher education institution.  

Our campus is located in the very heart of Madrid, in the Salamanca district, one of the best, most secure, and easily accessible areas of the city.

We offer an innovative, practical alternative to traditional Spanish universities – the American higher education model, especially characterized by the practical methodological approach, which serves to best motivate students in all of their academic endeavors.

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CIS University About us Mission



CIS University’s mission is to provide education based on open, humanistic principles, in an international environment, which allows students to develop and contribute to a more just and responsible society. Our educational model, based on the American higher education system, contributes to the entrepreneurial spirit and facilitates job acquisition in any environment.  From a place of deep social responsibility, and built on academic excellence, we offer comprehensive programs aimed at fostering a critical spirit and intercultural awareness.



We aspire to help our students become the humanist leaders of a global world and to have our entire educational community participate in the principles of personal and social development that contributes to the common good, including respect for, and promotion of, human rights.

CIS University About us Vision



CIS UNIVERSITY was founded in Madrid in 1981.

In 1995, the university reached an academic collaboration agreement with Endicott College, located in Massachusetts, to obtain its accreditation and thus become its reference campus in Spain.

The relationship with the American university model is one of the pillars of our institution, providing our students with great possibilities of enrichment in their educational experience, both in its facilities north of Boston, and in multiple American universities worldwide.

In 1995, in response to a vocational service inherent to CIS University, the NGO “Cruzada por los niños” was created. At first, the project was aimed at providing medical assistance to children affected by the war in the Balkans.Since 2006, most of the NGO’s efforts have focused on Africa, first with the cooperation project in the Casa do Gaiato orphanage, in Mozambique, and in recent years with the communities of the Gorongosa park, in collaboration with the Foundation Greg Carr.

In 2004 we joined the United Nations Global Compact. Since then, we have supported this initiative because its ideas fully coincide with our educational philosophy in the areas of human rights, environment, anti-corruption and labor.

In 2007, the University also created the International Studies Foundation in Madrid, and the International Studies Foundation in Florida, USA. Through these foundations, social projects and important collaboration agreements have been developed with the Real Madrid Foundation to create sports and achievement academies in Spain and the United States.

The University has collaborated since 2015 in projects of the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation, but it was in 2018 when it became the official headquarters of the RFK Foundation in Spain, passing along to the President of CIS University, María Díaz de la Cebosa, the presidency of the Robert F. Kennedy Spain Foundation as well.

This agreement has brought with it the official teaching and accreditation of the Human Rights course within the University’s academic program.

Currently, CIS University students have the possibility of completing their Bachelor’s studies both at our Madrid campus and at the most prestigious American universities.

Each year, CIS University works to introduce a variety of programs, agreements, proposals, and curricular activities designed for its students. These initiatives aim not only to maintain educational quality but also to enrich each student’s experience.

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Founding of CIS University.


Creation of the International Management Business School.


Academic Partnership with Endicott College, Beverly, Massachusetts.


Founding of the NGO “Cruzada por los niños”.


Official recognition as a foreign university in Spain by the Community of Madrid.


Creation of the International Studies Foundation in Spain.


Collaboration agreement with the Real Madrid Foundation for the creation of sports and achievement academies.


International Studies Foundation expands to the United States. (International Studies Foundation, USA).


Collaboration agreement as partners in Spain of the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation, USA


Launch of the Access/Go American English micro-scholarship program in collaboration with the United States Embassy and the International Studies Foundation.


Launch of the social project "Camino de Santiago" by the International Studies Foundation. The program is in its fifth edition, with the most recent one held in 2024.


Creation of the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation, Spain. Presidency of the María Díaz de la Cebosa Foundation, President of CIS University.


Launch of CIS University's sports programs (Elite Soccer Program and Student Athlete).


Launch of the Entrepreneurship Program for CIS University students, held in Miami.


Launch of the CIS University International Conference UES Conference "University, Business and Society in the XXI Century".  The conference is in its fourth edition, with the most recent one held in 2024.


CIS University Podcast Launch.


Launch of the CIS University Hackathon.


Visit of Kerry Kennedy, President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, to CIS University.


Annual Job Fair Agreement.


First Graduation of the Year Study Abroad Program.


Launch of CIS University Magazine.


Launch of CIS University Speech Contest.


Tribute to the U.S. Ambassador to Spain for the support in the social projects developed by CIS University and its CSR initiatives.


Special Award for International University Cooperation 2024. Recipient: Dr. Steven DiSalvo, President of Endicott College. Award granted by CIS University and the International Studies Foundation.


CIS University Endicott International

CIS University Endicott International is an accredited American university that was established in 1995 as a result of the collaboration agreement between CIS University and Endicott College (Boston).

Thanks to this academic agreement, CIS University students have graduated with an official American degree (Bachelor’s degree) for more than 25 years now at our Madrid campus including having the opportunity to complete their final two years at Endicott College.

Today, with new facilities and more degrees available, CIS University Endicott International is positioned as the American university of reference in Spain, and as an alternative to the Spanish university system for those students seeking a completely international experience.


Advantages of the American Higher Education System

The American higher education system focuses primarily on students. Methodologies are flexible and classroom assignments are varied. Students help to create their own class schedules based on their individual interests and goals. The most prestigious universities in the world follow this educational model.

The primary advantages of this system are as follows:

  • It is indeed possible to decide which subject area to pursue and commit to a major prior to beginning, yet equally feasible at any time during the first two years of the degree program. Those two initial years are mostly made up of general education courses, which all students are required to take. This, in addition to generally allowing greater flexibility, also makes the process of transferring to a different university or changing majors much simpler if necessary.
  • Students take the lead when it comes to course selection, which can be done according to each student’s personal interests and needs.
  • Student evaluation is an ongoing process throughout every semester. Written exams do not normally count for more than 20% of the final grade. The course methodology involves the practical application of concepts, and professors take the day-to-day work of each student into account while grading.