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UES 2024

In a society that is characterized by ongoing change, with innovation happening at a dizzying pace, universities and companies must have the capacity to adapt to these changes and respond to the challenges that are constantly being posed.

After the success of the UES 2019, UES 2020, and UES 2022, CIS University International Conference on University, Business and Society, UES 2024 aims to present the key findings arising from scientific analysis of these challenges and to offer possible solutions. The theme of the conference is wide-ranging, extending across a variety of fields of study and research, from intercultural communication, entrepreneurship and innovation, to the use of technology in education and the defense of human rights.

UES 2024

Date of Conference

June 7th, 2024


CIS University

Proposals and Papers

Gráficas web UES22 Mesa de trabajo 1 copia

Topics of papers

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Participating institutions

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Language of papers

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