
Advertising Fundamentals<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 103<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Advertising Fundamentals<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

An introductory course on the basic principles and practices of advertising. The focus will be on the history and effects of advertising on society and culture. This course will also explore how to plan and implement advertising programs through effective research, strategic planning, segmenting target audiences, creative copywriting and design.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Demonstrate understanding of how advertising fits into the marketing mix.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Demonstrate understanding of the methods and techniques of advertising.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Explore ethical considerations in the promotion of products, services and ideas.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Critique the societal and economic impact of advertising.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Develop creative concepts for advertising campaigns.\u00a0<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Introduction to Computer Graphics<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> GD 105<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Introduction to Computer Graphics<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Introduction to visual problem solving with the computer and an overview of the computer\u2019s growing importance as a resource for visual communications. In addition to the hands-on experience with computer and peripherals, students will gain an understanding of the potential of this tool and its role within the development of information technology. Projects will be grounded in the context of the history of image and lab and personal practice.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Become fluent with the use of computer-aided tools and techniques and to learn to integrate these tools with art and design skills to develop a higher degree of visual literacy.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Explore various aspects of image creation on the computer, including image production and manipulation, color, and typography.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Develop various operating skills and proficiency in the use and knowledge of Adobe Photoshop Illustrator, and InDesign.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Learn new art & design terminology specific to the visual communications field.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Build and apply design skills such as typography, layout, color, composition, and illustration.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Critique and analyze examples of digital communication, personal work, and the work of others.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Utilize various input and output devices, digital cameras, digital printing devices.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

8.<\/strong> Pay attention to the design concerns and responsibilities of using the computer as a creative tool. <\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Media and Culture I<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 106<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Media and Culture I<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

An introduction to the role and social impact of media and mass communications in society. This course explores the history and contemporary landscape of media, radio, television and film. Related mass communication theories, new technologies, media effects, and ethical issues are addressed.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Understand the origins of mass media connected to the most important historical events.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Understand the use of mass media as a tool for political, social, educational and entertainment purposes.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Identify the state-of-the-art of mass media in the 21st century.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Understand the impact of digital in communication\u2019s industry.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Describe and identify the main communication theories.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Use techniques of critical thinking to address issues, deliver a presentation and public speaking skills.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Media and Culture II<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 107<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Media and Culture II<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

An introduction to the role and social impact of digital media, digital business and mass communications in society. This course explores the contemporary landscape of media and digital corporations and their effects in communications. Related mass communication theories, new technologies, media effects, and ethical issues are addressed.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Understand the evolution of mass media connected to the most actual digital changes.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Understand the use of digital communications and mass media as tools for political, social, educational and entertainment purposes.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Identify the state-of-the-art of mass media in the 21st century.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Understand the impact of digital in communication\u2019s industry.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Use techniques of critical thinking to address issues, deliver a presentation and public speaking skills.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Public Relations<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 203<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Public Relations<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Overview of basic principles, concepts, and relationship of theory to practice. Special emphasis on role in society, public opinion, use of effective strategies and tactics, process, identification of publics, publicity techniques, and effective use of media.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course a student will:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Distinguish between PR, advertising, and marketing and explain how these disciplines are interconnected.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Understand the development of public relations over the last century.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Explain the four-step PR process.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Understand the role played by social media in public relations.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Write a press release in the correct style and format.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Identify the components of a typical press kit.<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Create a PR campaign.<\/span><\/p>

8.<\/strong> Recognize the importance of effective media targeting and strong media relations.<\/span><\/p>

9.<\/strong> Know the roles that PR plays in business, non-profits, and government.<\/span><\/p>

10.<\/strong> Understand the special challenges of PR communication in times of crisis.<\/span><\/p>

11.<\/strong> Appreciate the legal and ethical issues surrounding public relations.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Promotional Writing<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 204<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Promotional Writing<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Application of copywriting for print, broadcast and digital marketing communication. Includes integration of copy and graphics, media advantages and restrictions, amplification, proofing and style, and use of rhetorical devices in the planning and development of advertising campaigns to meet specific client objectives.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Demonstrate understanding of the methods and techniques of promotional copywriting.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Communicate concepts about the social impact of integrated advertising\/marketing.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Identify, compare and contrast promotional communication types, strategies and objectives.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Demonstrate independent study and analysis of advertising types and content.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Formulate original and creative theses for discussion, written exposition, and presentation.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Writing for the Media<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 207<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Writing for the Media<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

An introduction to the styles and formats used for writing for various genres and media with an emphasis on print and digital journalism. The course covers, but is not limited to, writing and reporting for print, blogs, and podcasts; gathering original content; conducting interviews; and writing reviews.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course a student will:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong>\u00a0Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process for media.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Compose both long and short form professional writing.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Identify and write for particular audiences.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Develop strong information gathering skills.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Develop strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Address current ethical issues in the media industries.<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Audio record and transcribe journalistic interviews.<\/span><\/p>

8.<\/strong> Create and maintain media content for various distribution technologies.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Social Impact of the Media<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 306<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Social Impact of the Media<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

This course examines the role of media in modern culture. Topics include the effects of media on socialization, education, political choice and process, formation and development of beliefs, attitudes and behavior. Students will additionally engage in complicated examinations of media texts and their connections to appropriate political, social and economic issues.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course the student should be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Identify how audiences might make meaning of media.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Demonstrate an understanding of the potential impact of media on consumers and culture.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Articulate an awareness of contemporary issues in media production and consumption.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Demonstrate an ability to examine media from a critical cultural viewpoint.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Apply media effects theories to the examination of media.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t

Strategy Media Planning<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 312<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Strategy Media Planning<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Students learn the planning process used to develop a marketing campaign. Utilizing research and data, students develop effective marketing planning. After studying case studies of real-world strategic marketing and media plans, students develop, present, and defend their own strategic marketing and media plans based on specific marketing objectives. The course emphasizes creative problem solving with hands-on group work that simulates a real-world work environment.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course a student will:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Synthesize secondary research on media and audience.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Identify the best resources for planning for rapidly changing digital and traditional media.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Use research to inform strategic decisions for planning marketing initiatives (such as use of Google Analytics and Twitter impressions to help determine a target audience and their reactions).<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Strategically plan a combination of different integrated marketing communication tools needed to deliver a marketing message to an intended audience.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Research, develop, write, and present media plans.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Effectively develop, present, and defend decision making and recommendations.<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Persuade an audience through effective visual and verbal presentation.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Marketing Communication Analytics<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/strong>\u00a0CMM 332
Course Title:<\/strong>\u00a0Marketing\u00a0Communication Analytics
Credits:<\/strong>\u00a03 US (6 ECTS)<\/p>


Catalog Description<\/strong>
Learn the essentials of how to measure digital marketing. Marketing analytics is a growing field that quantifies the impact of specific marketing programs on company goals. In this class, you will learn how to measure the impact of marketing campaigns, channels, and other efforts on key goals for marketing, such as brand awareness, sales, and revenue. Prerequisites: Junior year status or permission of the instructor.<\/p>


Learning Outcomes<\/strong>
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1.<\/strong>\u00a0Identify the appropriate data sources to help their clients and\/or organizations:
\u00a0 \u00a0a. <\/strong>Characterize their market, audience and competition.
\u00a0 \u00a0b. <\/strong>Track each step in the customer journey from prospect to purchaser to advocate.
\u00a0 \u00a0c. <\/strong>Adapt products, processes, messaging and offers to optimize the user experience.
2.<\/strong>\u00a0Employ the capabilities inherent in the most commonly-used digital platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to create custom dashboards for managing multichannel marketing programs.
3.<\/strong>\u00a0Apply the above skills to real-world marketing challenges across paid, earned and owned media channels.
4.<\/strong>\u00a0Demonstrate knowledge of key analytical concepts, terminology, and tools likely to be encountered in a business environment.
5.<\/strong>\u00a0Write a marketing analytics plan.<\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Social Media and Marketing<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 355<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Social Media and Marketing<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Students explore the rapidly changing world of social and digital media and how it is applied to the practice of marketing communication. After studying the concepts and theories behind communicating through digital media, students create social media marketing plans to support scientific campaign initiatives through the use of these digital media.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course students will<\/span> be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Define and understand key theories and concepts in social media \u2013 for marketing.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Understand the history of social media for marketing purposes.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Research and evaluate social and digital media marketing strategies and outcomes of various organizations.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Read, understand and evaluate professional and trade research on social media and marketing.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Utilize a variety of social media techniques for marketing communication research purposes.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Understand and utilize various metrics and analytical tools related to social media marketing strategies.<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Research, compose and present a professional analysis of corporate social media use.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Communication Research Methods<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 370<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Communication Research Methods<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Students will learn the research and analysis tools they need to be successful in the required senior courses: Thesis I and II. This course covers social scientific quantitative and qualitative research skills and forms used by communication scholars.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Summarize a research article from a peer-reviewed scientific journal.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Develop a testable hypothesis (in the case that it is not exploratory research).<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Design and execute a social science research study.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Articulate the differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Demonstrate an understanding of content analysis in media and communication research (topic permitting).<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative data, individually and using triangulation methods.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Design a questionnaire which is free from bias.<\/span><\/p>

8.<\/strong> Interview research participants in a unbiased way and transcribe the resulting data.<\/span><\/p>

9.<\/strong> Structure a research paper according to APA standards.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Media Ethics<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 380<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Media Ethics<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

This course provides an overview of the ethical issues faced by contemporary media. Through the application of various ethical frameworks and study cases, students will analyze the traditional and contemporary problems of expression and dissemination of information in a converged world.<\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Identify the trend of ethical problems and classic authors regarding media ethics.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Develop critical thinking and analytical skills regarding media ethics issues.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Identify the main ethical problems, concepts and arguments which affect media in contemporary life.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Expose and debate arguments in order to defend different positions with ethical thinking.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Campaign Planning and Client Services<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 405<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Campaign Planning and Client Services<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

This class is a culmination of advanced study and application of the principles of developing a marketing communication campaign for a client through experiential learning. Student teams partner with clients to complete every stage of planning a campaign including assessing the client\u2019s problem, developing a marketing communication strategy and marketing communication plan, conceptualizing and executing creative materials, persuasively presenting their work, and engaging in revision to address client concerns.<\/span><\/p>

Particular emphasis is put on understanding the principles of excellent client service. <\/span><\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Develop and implement a marketing communication strategy to address a clients\u2019 needs.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Create proper reporting and record keeping throughout the campaign planning process.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> US (6 ECTS). Create engaging deliverables for a campaign in a timely manner.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Revise work substantially and repeatedly.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Serve as an effective member of a team and engage in constructive collaborative work.<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Adhere to deadlines.<\/span><\/p>

7.<\/strong> Deliver effective oral and visual presentations.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Creative Portfolio Development <\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 415<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Creative Portfolio Development <\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

This course requires students to conduct in-depth evaluation of their portfolio of work within the Marketing Communication major.\u00a0 Students will reflect on the importance of aesthetics and using the portfolio to persuade while mastering the professionally vital skills of revision, creating a digital presence, honing presentation skills, and engaging in the rigorous critiquing process so integral to the marketing communication field<\/span>.<\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course the student will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Objectively review a series of materials to evaluate areas of strength and weakness.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Understand the theoretical principles underlying the processes of creativity and persuasion.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Create a diverse range of professional-level marketing communication collateral.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Engage in a rigorous critique process leading to extensive revision, rewriting, re-concepting of the student’s body of work.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Create a digital presence for their professional portfolio and personal brand.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

6.<\/strong> Conduct themselves in a professional and persuasive manner while showcasing their portfolio during an interview. <\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Senior Thesis I<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 489<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Senior Thesis I<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Senior Thesis I is the first phase of a two-semester thesis sequence through which students lay the groundwork in an area of interest for the original work they are expected to undertake in Senior Thesis II.\u00a0 Students refine their topics, review and synthesize literature related to their areas of focus, conduct research, and develop research proposals or plans for creative projects.\u00a0 The final course outcomes consist of both a literature review and a Senior Thesis II project proposal<\/span>.<\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Identify focused and manageable topics.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Synthesize in-depth information from relevant sources representing various points of view and approaches.<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Develop research proposals or plans for creative projects.<\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Organize and synthesize information and evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, and similarities related to the topic\u2019s focus.<\/span><\/p>

5.<\/strong> Write comprehensive papers that incorporate a literature review, the research proposal or plan to be implemented in Thesis II, and other discipline-specific criteria.<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n <\/div>

Senior Thesis II<\/span><\/i><\/div>

Course No:<\/b> CMM 490<\/span>
<\/span>Course Title:<\/b> Senior Thesis II<\/span>
<\/span>Credits:<\/b> 3 US (6 ECTS)<\/span><\/p>

Catalog Description<\/b><\/p>

Developing the concept explored in Senior Thesis I, students will investigate a topic related to communication, in which they have a particular interest. The outcomes of the project are a scholarly paper and presentation<\/span>.<\/p>

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to:<\/span><\/p>

1.<\/strong> Undertake scholarly inquiry within his\/her area of concentration, including<\/span><\/p>

a) the delimitation of an appropriate topic related to a problem or issue confronting professionals in the field;<\/span><\/p>

b) a thorough review of primary and secondary research related to the problem;\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

c) synthesis of the research findings into a researchable question and\/or hypothesis;<\/span><\/p>

d) engaging in scholarly inquiry into the question based upon the review of the literature, using accepted social science methodology and\/or a grounded critical analysis.<\/span><\/p>

2.<\/strong> Write up their findings following conventions established for academic writing in the University, including<\/span><\/p>

a) clearly organized content that reflects coherent and logical development of ideas with concrete and relevant supporting evidence for generalizations and conclusions;<\/span><\/p>

b) substance as measured in length of paper of not less than 25 pages, at least ten of which will be devoted to a comprehensive literature review, five to a presentation of the problem and research methods, with the remainder devoted to a presentation of the findings with a conclusion.\u00a0 Depending on the subject matter, the conclusion may present an analysis of findings, and a discussion of options for social action and\/ or further areas of inquiry;<\/span><\/p>

c) APA format and style that is consistent with guidelines for written term papers and research reports;<\/span><\/p>

d) grammar and syntax such that sentence structure and paragraph development clearly convey the development of ideas and the paper is free of mechanical errors such as weakness in spelling, misuse of pronoun references or faulty punctuation.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

3.<\/strong> Effectively present and defend findings and recommendation(s) orally to an audience of peers, faculty and professionals in the field, which includes<\/span><\/p>

a) a professional, rehearsed rhetorical presentation in a formal setting of approximately ten minutes duration; and<\/span><\/p>

b) effective use of digital and\/or other audio\/visual supports as necessary.\u00a0 <\/span><\/p>

4.<\/strong> Provide additional original supplemental materials necessary to support the thesis or arguments made in the final paper.\u00a0 These materials will be agreed upon in advance with the instructor and may include assessments, audio-visual presentations, instructional manuals or other forms of documentation<\/span>.<\/p><\/div>\n <\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t


Courses: Advertising Fundamentals Course No: CMM 103Course Title: Advertising FundamentalsCredits: 3 US (6 ECTS) Catalog Description An introductory course on the basic principles and practices of advertising. The focus will be on the history and effects of advertising on society…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"parent":2397,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"content-type":"","_trash_the_other_posts":false,"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-3254","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"yoast_head":"\nCommunication | CIS University<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Through their course work, students undertaking Communications explore the many ways media impacts the individual and society, locally and internationally.\" \/>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/www.cis-spain.com\/en\/academics\/courses-and-syllabi\/communication\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Communication | CIS University\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"Through their course work, students undertaking Communications explore the many ways media impacts the individual and society, locally and internationally.\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"https:\/\/www.cis-spain.com\/en\/academics\/courses-and-syllabi\/communication\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"CIS University - 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