{"id":33254,"date":"2022-12-27T14:11:01","date_gmt":"2022-12-27T12:11:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.cis-spain.com\/en\/?p=33254"},"modified":"2022-12-22T14:17:55","modified_gmt":"2022-12-22T12:17:55","slug":"the-debate-club-enters-the-final-stretch-of-2022","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cis-spain.com\/en\/blog\/the-debate-club-enters-the-final-stretch-of-2022\/","title":{"rendered":"The Debate Club enters the final stretch of 2022"},"content":{"rendered":"\t\t

Surely you have gone through something similar: You have to defend yourself in front of a rigorous jury and the night before you carefully prepare your words. You rehearse the arguments over and over again, without forgetting the possible retorts that may arise. In your mind, everything fits and flows smoothly. You have not left anything to chance, although you feel confident enough to improvise if necessary.<\/span><\/p>

And then the big day arrives\u2026 and you go all out.<\/span><\/p>

This is how the members of the various teams of the <\/span>CIS University Debate Club<\/span><\/a> must have felt at the middle and the final stretch of the contest.<\/span><\/p>

As usual, the debates revolved around 2 current issues:<\/span><\/p>